Reserve parking spaces. Fast & convenient in Microsoft Teams

With Seatti, you can reserve the right parking space for your office day in just a few steps. This not only saves you time and nerves after an exhausting commute, but also allows you to concentrate on your work as soon as you arrive.
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Advantages of booking a parking space

Desk Booking Benefits
Reserve parking spaces conveniently online
Driving is stressful enough - especially if you live in a big city and the constant search for a parking space is getting on your last nerve! Want to make sure you're guaranteed to find a parking space? Then use our parking space reservation tool and book it in advance as soon as you plan your office day. Take a look at the available parking spaces in our tool and reserve a parking space for yourself!
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Always keep an overview
Where was the parking lot? Everyone is probably familiar with this situation from public parking garages. So that you always know where your parking space is at work, use our integrated parking space overview. Here you can choose the ideal parking space in a specific zone and select it from the drop-down menu. Just click on "Book" and you've already booked your parking space for your office day. Finding a parking space has never been so easy!
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Manage parking spaces individually
E-cars, company cars or normal parking spaces - you can customize the parking spaces in Seatti to keep things organized when booking parking spaces. Mark certain zones for parking reservations in Seatti that are reserved for e-cars only and equipped with a charging station, for example. You can also activate spaces for booking for certain departments. Manage parking spaces individually as an administrator in just a few steps.
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A more productive workplace with just one click

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