Cross-team meetings: Promotes the exchange of hybrid teams

In the hybrid working model, cross-departmental collaboration can suffer. Use Seatti to revitalize it & transform your office into a collaborative space.
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Advantages of Seatti

Desk Booking Benefits
Organizes office events
Create individual events for your office in Seattle with just a few clicks. Simply set the day, time and office location and add further details.
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Works together on projects
Teams that spend more time together develop stronger social bonds & work better together. With Seatti, you promote these interactions by simply indicating what you are currently working on.
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More exchange among each other
In order to strengthen bonds across departments, you need informal exchanges - and these mainly take place in the office. Bring your teams closer together again by providing social incentives to be on site more often.
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A more productive workplace with just one click

Get to know Seatti! We will work out the potential for your company
in about 30 minutes.